Previous and ongoing research includes:
Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada
- How will a changing climate affect Sierra Nevada stream ecosystems? [Summary]
- Monitoring climate change - Design elements of sentinel stream network study [Summary]
- Monitoring climate change - Results to date [Summary]
- Monitoring climate change - Site specific hydrographs and thermographs [Summary]
- Extreme Weather: Stream conditions before and after a winter rain on snow event
[Published Paper]
Saline Lakes
Walker Lake
- Salinity limits on the aquatic invertebrate life of Walker Lake [Summary] [Published Paper]
- History of the fishery of Walker Lake with declining lake level and rising salinity [Summary coming soon]
- Population dynamics of benthic invertebrates at Walker Lake under changing lake levels and potential food web alteration [Summary]
- Distribution of benthic life by substratum type and depth in Walker Lake [Summary coming soon] [Published Paper]
Lakeline Magazine
- Check out our recently published articles in Lakeline Magazine about
[Mono Lake]
[Owens Lake] [Walker Lake]
Sediment in Streams
- Stream Sediment Deposition in Relation to Road Density and Effects on Benthic Invertebrates [Summary]
Livestock Grazing and Management
- Effects of livestock exclusion on in-stream habitat and benthic invertebrate assemblages in montane streams on the Kern Plato [Summary] [Published Paper]
- Recovery of habitat quality and benthic invertebrate diversity in a re-created channel (build it and they will come!) [Published Paper]
Invasive Species
New Zealand Mudsnail
- Boom and bust of the New Zealand Mudsnail in the upper Owens River, CA [Published Paper]
- Dissolved minerals can limit the growth and survival of the New Zealand Mud Snail [Published Paper]
- Trout introductions to headwater streams of Yosemite National Park reduce diversity, alter food webs, and deplete native endemic species [Summary] [Published Paper]
Stream Chemistry
- Working with local students from Mammoth and Bishop High schools on seasonal stream chemistry mysteries…. [Summary]